Wednesday, July 07, 2010

WORST IDEA 7/710: Pissing off a judge

Lindsay Lohan learned the hard way that judges tend to not like it when you ignore their rulings. The former actress who has stayed famous mostly by forgetting to wear underwear when she gets out of cars was sentenced to 90 days in jail by an angry Los Angeles judge. The judge gave out a much stiffer sentence than prosecutors had asked for because Lohan had repeatedly lied in court. One lie involved a white substance found on her pants in a photograph, which, of course was cocaine. Lohan denied owning the pants despite numerous pictures of her wearing them and testimony that they were her "favorite" pants. Now, the one-time child star will get to do first-hand research for her future making women in prison movies for Cinemax.

Lindsay Lohan sentenced to 90 days in jail and 90 in rehab -

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